I find myself in discussions that come down to what are we talking about when we refer to “UC Federation” is so I thought I would write down my definition so I can refer others to see how I define it. (and how I came to the definition)
“Communication and trust between different organizations and UC platforms as if you were on the same platform while each organization maintains control of internal affairs. Instant Message and presence modes of communication presumed with additional modes a possibility.
Some of My Rationale
Since in “UC federation” we are using the word “federation” I references the Oxford and Random House:
“a group of states with a central government but independence in internal affairs –Oxford
“the formation of a political unity, with a central government, by a number of separate states, each of which retains control of its own internal affairs –Random House
I have burrowed from the the Oxford Dictionary in the area of “maintaining internal control” which I think is very core to UC federation. But using “Federation” could be problematic because of the aspect of “centralized control”. It is not defined this strong in all dictionaries and UC Vendors often talk about UC Federation in the absence of “centralized control”. But I would like your input:
Other definition:
NextPlane: http://nxpfs.wordpress.com/2009/05/09/what-is-uc-federation/
UC Strategies: Click Here
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