Challenges with features and voice quality caused the snom m9 to stumble out of the gate. It looks like snom is making an effort to correct some of those issues with a new hardware release called the snom m9r.
What is new?
- Repeater functionality
- This appears to be hardware upgrade to the m9 base station NOT merely a firmware upgrade
- Higher memory on the unit
- Improved voice quality (frankly a big problem with current m9)
- appears to have an optional rubberized tough shell. (more detail click here)
Some Notes:
- snom notes the m9r is slated for availability around end of 2012
m9R handset will not work with m9 basestation.
What is unique about the snom m9?
- IPv6 ready
- It was first DECT phone to register to Lync directly (it is not Lync Qualified) but since Polycom has released DECT and WIFI portable phones that register directly to Lync. (Also not Lync Qualified)
Some more resources on the snom m9 and Lync Portable phones:
- Video review of snom m9 (1st revision) Lync features Click Here
- Vido Review Polycom Spectralink 84xx Lync Features Click Here
Here is a link:
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