While Skype <-> Lync federation has been working “unofficially” for some time, apparently is is officially live today according to the official Lync Team Blog (Interestingly the blog post has the date of May 23, 2013, but I suspect this just indicates the article was written before posting) and the Skype blog.
From my quick test, the Lync 2013 client now indicates a “Skype” logo beside “MSN” when you connect to a Skype federated contact, which seems to have changed as of today.
Will MSN Power Skype <-> Lync Federation? Yes. Are LiveMessenger Users Living On Inside Skype? Yes
In Feb, 2013 I wrote an article on “How Skype <-> Lync Federation Works Behind the Scenes” . The only question remaining was: Will LiveMessenger live on? Or will it die the day Lync <-> Skype goes live? We have our answer today: LiveMessenger identity died today.
NOTE: I am quite interested in knowing if Lync can determine if a contact is using the Skype client versus the 3rd party live messenger client(s) and LiveMessenger client iteself (which is report to be living on as Live Messenger in China and possibly some other places.) If you have any information on this, please comment! UPDATE: According to Matt Hardwick Lync indicates contacts as Skype contacts even if the Skype/LIveMessenger/MSN/MSA user is logged into a 3rd Party “Live Messenger” client. So from this we can likely deduce that LiveMessenger/MSA users are largely living on in Skype and useragents will not change or determine the icon used.
It appears that the MSN/Live Messenger federation icon has been changed from LiveMessenger to a Skype icon today (via ShawnHarry) This 100% verifies that traffic from Skype and LiveMessenger will be indicated identical in Lync and verifying my previous hunch that LiveMessenger/MSA users are largely living on inside Skype. This also is another step in the “death” (or rebirth?) of LiveMessenger.
Some Notes and Things to Be Aware Of
- Video is not live today but is Skype’s next priority. click here
Some other Lync <-> Skype articles you might have interest in:
- How Do I Enable Lync <-> Skype Federation from Skype Side? Click Here
- How Does Lync <-> Skype Federation Work Under the Hood? Click Here
- How Much Will Lync <-> Skype Federation Cost? Click Here
- What is the Difference Between Lync and Skype? Click Here
- Nov 2012: Lync <-> Skype IM/P Has Started Working: Click Here
- Feb 2013: Lync <-> Skype Voice Has Started Working for Some: Click Here
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